Emergency Services

3745 Portland Road NE
Suite 110
Salem, Oregon 97301
map »

Permanetly closed

Call 211 for a list of Salem area food banks and for the agencies that provide monetary financial assistances for rent, utilities and other services.

SVdP CONFRENCES (Volunteer Groups)

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is made up of volunteer groups called Conferences. Our district is composed of the following conferences in the Mid-Willamette Valley:

  • St. Edwards, Keizer
  • St. James, Molalla
  • St. Luke, Woodburn
  • St. James, McMinnville
  • St. Edwards, Lebanon

In the Salem/Keizer area the Mid-Willamette District Office provide food and emergency financial assistance at 3745 Portland Rd. NE Suite 110 Salem, Oregon 97301.

The SVdP Conferences located in McMinnville, Woodburn, Molalla and Lebanon, provide emergency services and food pantries in their communities. Please contact your local Catholic parish for your nearest St. Vincent de Paul Conference.